A Typology of Theatre for Development in Ghana
There is little doubt that Theatre for Development has emerged as a unique art form with an increasing rate of applicability in effecting change in society owing in part to flexibility in its methodology. At the same time, queries have been raised regarding what qualifies as Theatre for Development. Especially in Ghana, where Concert Party, as well as technically mediated drama such as television drama loudly proclaim their role in promoting development, it becomes necessary to set down principles upon which distinctions can be made between the various theatrical practices. This presentation discusses the basis upon which a typology of theatre for development can be established. The paper attempts to classify Theatre for Development praxis in Ghana under two broad types: purposive and non-purposive Theatre for Development on the basis of the processes involved in their realization.
KEY WORDS: typology, purposive, non-purposive, structured, unstructured.
Prof. Victor K. Yankah was the founding Head of the Department of Theatre and Film Studies, University of Cape Coast and remained head for seven years. He is one of the pioneer professors of TfD in Ghana.