The „Cultural Cold War“. Towards a Theorization of its Afro-Asian Contexts
The Conference organised by ERC-Project „Developing Theatre“ takes place from 22.10.2019 to 24.10.2019 in „Center for Advanced Studies“ at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU).
Culture was one of the key areas in which the multifaceted geopolitical struggle was played out between the 1950s and 1980s. There is a need – 25-plus years after the end of the Cold War – to collect experiences of and responses to questions regarding the formation of expert networks, philanthropic and/or governmental interventions, and peopleto- people contacts in and across various Afro-Asian and Euro-American countries.
Teilnehmer sind: Ewa Bérard (CNRS-ENS Paris), Milena Dragićević Šešić (University of Arts, Belgrade), Gesine Drews-Sylla (Prag/ Tübingen), Severyan Dyakonov (IHEID Genf), Viviana Iacob (Bukarest), Sophie Lange (HU Berlin), Christian Langer (FU Berlin), Gideon Ime Morison (LMU), Christopher J. Lee (Lafayette), Alexandre Loktionov (Cambridge), Vita Matiss (Riga Graduate School of Law), Danny Orbach (Hebrew University), Inderjeet Parmar (City, University of London), Monica Popescu (McGill University), Sudha Rajagopalan (Amsterdam), Giles P. Scott-Smith (Leiden), Carolien Stolte (Leiden), Rebecca Sturm (München), Tal Zalmanovich (Haifa).
Keynote Lecture am 22. Oktober um 18 s.t. Uhr:
Prof. Vita Matiss, Ph.D. – „Blackboards to Write Upon: Ibsen’s Brand in Riga and Moscow in the 1970’s. Moral Dilemmas for the Ages“
Vita Matiss ist Visiting Professor an der Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL).
Keynote Lecture am 23. Oktober um 16 Uhr s.t.:
Dr. Carolien M. Stolte – „Afro-Asian Visions: The Cultural Politics of Solidarity Movements during the Early Cold War“
Carolien M. Stolte ist University Lecturer an der Universität Leiden.