Abstract of the Conference
In March 2020 the European Research Council research project ‚Developing Theatre‘ planned to hold an international conference on the topic ‚Theatre for development (TfD): historiographical and institutional perspectives‘ in conjunction with the Tshwane University of Technology in Pretoria, South Africa. Some delegates were already on the way to the airport when the organisers were informed that the conference had been cancelled because of the corona crisis. It is unusual for a conference to be cancelled at such a short notice. After we had recovered from the initial shock and disruption, the organisers decided to present the papers in an audio-visual format and invited the presenters to provide recordings. So far we have received both visual and audio presentations from eleven of the planned speakers. We present the material here in a variety of formats and intend at a later date to curate discussions on this material. There is no real replacement for a live conference and the debate that it generates, to say nothing of the equally productive discussions over coffee, lunch and dinner. You can find the original announcement here.
If you have any questions, please contact the speakers via their email address.